Menchaca Elementary School Pollinator Garden Project

In 2021, Menchaca Elementary School in South Austin reached out to the Balcones Canyonlands Master Naturalist Chapter for help designing a native pollinator garden next to an outdoor classroom they were developing. They already had a beautiful hardscape plan in the shape of a butterfly – they just needed some help choosing the right plants to fill it.

We developed a list of Texas natives with bloom times extending from early spring though late fall, including host plants for different butterfly and moth species. The plants needed to thrive in full sun, clay soil, and with minimal watering.

In spring 2022, master naturalists worked alongside parents and students to bring the garden to life. It was wonderful to see students so engaged throughout the planting process!

During one of the hottest and driest summers on record, a dedicated teacher kept the garden alive, providing nectar for queen butterflies, bumble bees, and hummingbird moths. Currently, work is being done to remove weeds and fill in empty spots with drought-tolerant native plants. 

The garden is ready to not only provide a home and important resources for native pollinators, but a rich, hands-on learning environment for students at Menchaca Elementary School!