Meet Ruthann!

Meet Ruthann!

Favorite animal: Do you want that list in alphabetical order or by Kingdom/phylum,etc? I guess since I wanted to grow up to be a mountain lion when I was a kid, I’d have to say mountain lion.

What I do when not I’m not a TMN:
I work as a Case Manager, for the state of Texas, in disaster recovery, rescue snakes from people in my off-hours, chase after my elderly parents in NC by phone while doing everything, watch movies at home, and go kayaking or birding with Colette Pearce.

My favorite TMN volunteer activity: I would have to say being out in a remote, wild area and learning about nature with a mentor or biologist in the particular field they specialize in, be it birds, bats, herps, plants, etc… The more I learn, the more I realize there’s more to learn!
In the photo, I’m holding one of my snakes. Her name is Bandit and she’s a Sinaloan milk snake. I raised her from a hatchling and she’s over 20 years old. That’s a very old age for a milk snake!

From Ruthann: Myself, Lori Najvar and Walker Watts after a hike at the Nootsie tract of the Balcones Canyonland Preserve, Austin, TX.