Great Backyard Bird Count

The 23rd annual Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC) is upon us in a months time! Beginning February 14, through Monday, February 17, participants are asked to count birds to create a real time snapshot of bird populations all over the world.
Anyone can participate in the GBBC from beginning bird watchers to experts for as little as 15 minutes, or as long as they wish, on one or more days of the four-day event.
The count can be done from the warm comfort of your home through a window or if you’re lucky enough to have mild weather, outdoors. You can also participate from locations other than your home. Your observations help the researchers at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and the National Audubon Society learn more about how birds are doing in real time and comparatively with observations from previous counts.
Last year more than 160,000 people submitted their observations online, giving scientists the largest instantaneous snapshot of global bird populations ever recorded.
Visit The Great Backyard Bird Count to get all the details and happy birding!